1. 过了一会儿
2. 立即,马上
3. 马上,立刻
4. 一会儿,立刻
5. 一会之后
6. 一会儿
- There is a point to this which I 'll explain in a minute .
- 这其中是有道理的,我一会儿就解释。
- In a minute sir wiflrid returned looking very excited .
- 一分钟后威尔弗雷德爵士回来了,他看上去非常激动。
- Indeed enjoying a hot meal at lunchtime makes him sound like a predictable reasonable sort of person who you should be managing a lot better than you are of which more in a minute .
- 实际上,他喜欢在午餐时间吃一顿热乎乎的饭菜,反而让他听起来像是那种靠谱的、讲道理的人,你应该马上改善和他的相处才对。
- And can you share that in a minute ?
- 你能在一分钟内讲完么?
- Perhaps you could engage a taxi driver in a minute of conversation before you seize up .
- 或许你可以与出租车司机聊上1分钟,然后就张口结舌了。
- Don 't take a half-hour but share it in a minute .
- 不要花半个小时,只需要一分钟。
- Some 12500 contracts changed hands in a minute compared with less than 500 a minute previously .
- 短短一分钟内,有约12500份原油期货合约易手,相比之下,前一分钟还不到500份。
- In a minute the whirl extends from surface to drain animating the whole basin .
- 不一会儿,漩涡从水面扩展到槽底,带动了整个水槽里的水。
- Buck chose a place dug himself a hole and in a minute he was warm and asleep .
- 巴克选了一个地方,挖了一个洞,不一会儿他就又暖和又瞌睡。
- In part they invoked the aid of the confidence fairy ; more on that in a minute .
- 部分地,他们是乞求“信心仙子”的帮助;这一点我过一会儿再说。